Monday, June 27, 2011

First Wave

Introducing Luke!   Here are some shots of our new doodle at 9 weeks old.  

In the car, running errands with Mom and Sam.

Sam teaching Luke how to play tug.

Of course, one of Sam!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

New Puppy Day!

The beginning of the deluge of puppy photos... here are just a few to get started.  It's been a super busy day and the pictures have had to take a back seat to figuring out the logistics of a new baby in the house!

Oh, and for those of you who wondered how Sam was going to react (me, mostly):  He's having a blast with his new brother!  Sam gets mad at me if I put the puppy in his crate...he just wants to play play play!

Sam & Puppy taking a break

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Some Days Are Better Than Others

I've had a miserable cold for several days.  This is not one of those colds that keeps me from getting out of bed, but it did zap all my usual pizzazz. Yesterday, I couldn't even muster enough gumption to get off the couch. It was depressing.

This is not my thing, laying on the couch.  I don't go for that. Not even a little. Sam wasn't digging it, either. He has been so patient the past few days, but today he was practically begging me to take him outside and do something, anything.
So I pulled myself together (somewhat) and went to the dog park with Sam and his sister Penny.  

I also decided today would be the day I would try out this little camera I have that isn't the big honkin' Canon and also isn't my crummy cell phone camera. The results on this outing were less than spectacular.

Some days are better than others.

Friday, June 17, 2011

A Day in the Life of Sam

 This is what Sam's day was actually like recently.  I think I want my dog's life...each day for him is a variation on the following theme: 

**Snuggle with Mom 5 am to 7:30 am
**Play outside
**Watch Mom like a hawk because she looks like she
is getting ready to go somewhere ---probably the office
**20 minute walk around town
**Hang out and love on some clients at the office
**10 minute walk to town
**Hang out while Mom has a quick lunch
**10 minute walk back to office
**30 minute walk with client and Mom
**50 minute walk with client and mom
**Play with Dad
**3 hour play date with Sister
**Snuggle with mom on the couch
**Bed (more snuggling with Mom)


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Daily Dog: A walk with Sam today

I took Sam out for a hike this evening.  The weather has been so perfect and not a single day of this should be wasted.  It's a matter of weeks or days.  We don't know when the weather gods are going to retract the grace they've bestowed upon us and plunge is into the grips of a heatwave.  I don't meant to go negative, folks, but we all know it's going to happen.  So get out there and soak up this most perfect, amazing, temperate time!

On the walk today, there were lots of cool things to take pictures of--including a great dog (as evidenced by picture on the right), two tarantulas and some great views. However...somehow the camera on my phone got condensation on the inside of the lens.  How did this happen??  I am going to have to figure out what that's about.  In the meantime, before the camera went all sideways, I got this picture of our darling boy.  But just barely!  Please note that he looks quite happy.  This is not actually the case.  He barked at me impatiently.  Twice!  My camera refused to focus.  So I kept missing the shots he was posing for, and I was taking too long.  He let me know he was annoyed with me!

 Here are the shots I got when my phone camera was giving me a hard time.
I have to get a better real camera that is more portable than the big ol' Canon.
Oh, and while I'm at it, I need some real blog software.  This template is lame.  
Stay tuned folks, I'm going high tech.  
  I think.  
I'll need some help from the spousal unit on this one... 

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Doodle Number Two Pupdate

We've been looking forward to choosing our next pup from the litter.  It was harder than we thought it might to choose just the right one?  After looking at all of them, we decided on the little guy below.

We chose him from the bunch because of his friendly nature and the way he really looks at you.  That gaze is what really caught our attention with Sam. This pup seems to have the same serious, regarding way about him.

It was so hard to make a decision, but we finally did!  Here are some pictures of the amazing new puppy cuteness!  More to come when we get puppy in about 2 weeks.

In the meantime, we have to figure out what to name him!

Are you noticing the size of those paws?

Looking right at the camera, and watching!

What a funny little face!

The focus is a little off in this picture, but I had to include it.  The paw on the hand is to die for.  And it is a large paw for such a small pup...  :-)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Good Times with Sam & a Pupdate

We never know what we are going to run into on any given day.  I took Sam down to the Village to get pictures of one thing, and ended up with this instead!

I remember waayy back in like 1999 or 2000, there was a pedicab company that gave rides all over the Village.  I always thought that was such a cool thing to have in town.  Seems like Aaron agrees, since he's started a new biz called Good Times Bike Rental. He has tandem bikes and then these carriage-looking bikes.  I forgot to ask Aaron what they are called.  Everyone joins in pedaling along and that looks like fun.

I put Sam on one of the bikes for a picture...the seats are definitely not designed for a big dog, but he was a good sport and let me put him up there anyway.  Another example of Sam being a totally great dog.  He kinda puts up with any amount of ridiculousness.  Here he is with his new friend Aaron:

Looking a little nervous.
Aaron's a nice guy...
Everything's cool.

This isn't really fair to do to you---the 1's of people who read this--- but I'm just getting too excited to resist a little teaser.  I've been talking about Sam's brother who should be joining us soon.  Truthfully, we haven't actually picked out the brother, but we do have six boys to choose from.

Here's a little hint at some of the cuteness we have to wade through to find just the right sibling for Sam.

I can't wait to give you further details...stay tuned!