Saturday, June 4, 2011

Good Times with Sam & a Pupdate

We never know what we are going to run into on any given day.  I took Sam down to the Village to get pictures of one thing, and ended up with this instead!

I remember waayy back in like 1999 or 2000, there was a pedicab company that gave rides all over the Village.  I always thought that was such a cool thing to have in town.  Seems like Aaron agrees, since he's started a new biz called Good Times Bike Rental. He has tandem bikes and then these carriage-looking bikes.  I forgot to ask Aaron what they are called.  Everyone joins in pedaling along and that looks like fun.

I put Sam on one of the bikes for a picture...the seats are definitely not designed for a big dog, but he was a good sport and let me put him up there anyway.  Another example of Sam being a totally great dog.  He kinda puts up with any amount of ridiculousness.  Here he is with his new friend Aaron:

Looking a little nervous.
Aaron's a nice guy...
Everything's cool.

This isn't really fair to do to you---the 1's of people who read this--- but I'm just getting too excited to resist a little teaser.  I've been talking about Sam's brother who should be joining us soon.  Truthfully, we haven't actually picked out the brother, but we do have six boys to choose from.

Here's a little hint at some of the cuteness we have to wade through to find just the right sibling for Sam.

I can't wait to give you further details...stay tuned!


  1. I like the one in the top right corner with the white spot on his head! Well, gosh, they are ALL adorable!

  2. They ARE all adorable! I want to take them all home with me, but that would be pandemonium! I'm going to have to pick one....that's going to be a challenge. Stay tuned, tho. It's going to happen, and then there's going to be a LOT going on around here. :-)
